Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Stop, Stay Away from that Fancy Steak House. Eat local, Instead; Go to a French Cafe, anything!

Post by Brian

Rob and I had a food conversation today while fishing with the kids at Veteran's Park---c'mon now, cuz that's how we roll....

Anyway, Rob and family recently went to Minnesota for a wedding.  While there, friends recommended they go to this 'top notch' steak house.  You know what the Pho Boys think about that: bad idea.  And it was.  Several ridiculous dollars later, they had bad service, bad steaks, and a bad experience.  Fortunately, the manager threw out the bill.

But, it goes to one of the Pho Boys main points: eat local, eat awesome, eat something other than steak.

Case in point.  My brother John just sent along the following pictures of a fantastic new French restaurant in Washington D.C., where he lives.  The place is called Le Diplomate.  Check it out.  Why, by the way, does French look better in italics?

Good service, good price, good food, good experience....

You only get one life to live, enjoy it!!!

I remember watching an episode of Anthony Bourdain, a Pho Boy's hero, and he was in Provence, France--a place named as such as it was the first providence outside Rome.  A place of farmers, working the hard, hard soil.  People without a lot.  And yet they ate like kings and queens.  Bourdain said to the one guy, "Do you realize you live the way most Americans have to make lots of money to live?"  The reply he got goes right to my bone marrow. "Eating well is not a privilege here; it is a right!"  Amen!


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