Their Kimchi (a traditional fermented Korean side dish made of vegetables with a variety of seasonings) is also some of the best I have ever had--spicy and tangy but mellow and cool at the same time. Very good!
Really! A moment, if you will, from the Phở Boys Food Book of Philosophy. On page 75 it says, Don't go to a restaurant and order the same thing over and over again. Try something new. Or, better yet, go with someone who knows the restaurant and let them order for you. Eating, no matter how little you have to work with, is not just about filling your stomach! Eating is about art; eating is about life; and if it costs less than 20 bucks, all the better--which takes us back to the Seoul Garden.
The food at Seoul Garden is absolutely amazing! As the menu to the right shows, they do a nice job of providing a basic description of each food item, along with a picture. If you are not a huge fan of soup, there are lots of other things to try.
For our meal, along with an egg dish (Gyeran jjim) and soup, we got the Pajeon--which is absolutely huge and, when all put together, is more food than even the Phở Boys can eat!
And, if you are interested in the heat!, Seoul Garden can deliver. The general rule of thumb for the Phở Boys is when your eyebrows or the top of your head is sweating, you have hit the sweet spot of heat. As the three pictures here show, while Rob and Brian can take the heat, Kevin is the man! For a demonstration of the sweet life in Cleveland, click on the video here.

And the cost of this incredible meal? With tip it was 20 bucks a piece! And, at the end, to take the edge off the heat, they gave us a quick yogurt drink. Excellent!
For us, Seoul Garden gets our best rating: 5 SOUPS!
But, don't take our word for it. See these customer reviews as well:
Urban Spoon Reviews
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